Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Civil Rights Of Native Indians - 984 Words

In the seventeenth century, European people begin to settle in the North America. They started to invest in the natural resources in the eastern America using the best resource they found in the land, captured Native Indians. Many poor European people migrated to North America for opportunity to earn money and rise of their social status. They came to the America as indentured or contracted servants because the passage aboard was too expensive for them. By the time many Native Indians and indentured servants die from the hard labor and low morality rate, masters of the plantation purchased more slaves from Africa to profit themselves. The â€Å"Virginia Servant and Slave Laws† reveal the dominant efforts of masters to profit from their servants and slaves by passing laws to treat slaves as their properties and to control servants and slaves by suppressing the rebellion using brutal force. Masters and rich planters sought to earn more profit from mercantilism, or trade, economi c system by violating the civil rights of Native Indian, African, and poor European people and this thought and practice still exist today as a form of racism and segregation in America. Masters gain profit by exploiting the servants and slaves through the political powers. As more African slave mothers bore more children, the â€Å"Virginia Servant and Slave Law† of 1622 states, â€Å"that all children borne in this country shalbe held bond slave or free only according to the condition of the mother [sic]† (â€Å"VirginiaShow MoreRelatedThe Indian Civil Rights Act1577 Words   |  7 Pages1968, Congress passed the Indian Bill of Rights, otherwise known as the Indian Civil Rights Act, in order to apply restrictions and protection under the United States Constitution to Native American governments. 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